1. International Journal Papers
- [1]Wooil Kim and J.H.L. Hansen, "A Novel Mask Estimation Method Employing Posterior-Based Representative Mean Estimate for
Missing-Feature Speech Recognition,"IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol.19, no.5, pp.1434-1443,
July 2011. [Link]
- [2] J.H.L. Hansen,Wooil Kim, M. Rahurkar, E. Ruzanski, and J. Meyerhoff, "Robust Emotional Stressed Speech Detection Using
Weighted Frequency Subbands," EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, vol. 2011, Article ID 906789, 10 pages, 2011
(doi:10.1155/2011/906789). [Link]
- [3]Wooil Kim and J.H.L. Hansen, "Variational Noise Model Composition Through Model Perturbation for Robust Speech Recognition
with Time-Varying Background Noise," Speech Communication, vol.53, no.4, pp.451-464, April 2011. [Link]
- [4]Wooil Kim and R.M. Stern, "Mask Classification for Missing-Feature Reconstruction for Robust Speech Recognition with Unknown
Background Noise," Speech Communication, vol.53, no.1, pp.1-11, Jan. 2011. [Link]
- [5]Wooil Kim and J.H.L. Hansen, "Missing-Feature Reconstruction by Leveraging Temporal Spectral Correlation for Robust Speech
Recognition in Background Noise Conditions," IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol.18, no.8,
pp.2111-2120, Nov. 2010. [Link]
- [6] J.H.L. Hansen, S.S. Gray, and Wooil Kim, "Automatic Voice Onset Time Detection for Unvoiced Stops (/p/,/t/,/k/) with Application to
Accent Classification," Speech Communication, vol.52, no.10, pp.777-789, Oct, 2010. [Link]
- [7]Wooil Kim and J.H.L. Hansen, "Phonetic Distance Based Confidence Measure," IEEE Signal Processing Letters, vol.17, no.2, pp.117-
120, Feb. 2010. [Link]
- [8]Wooil Kim and J.H.L. Hansen, "Time-Frequency Correlation Based Missing-Feature Reconstruction for Robust Speech Recognition
in Band-Restricted Conditions," IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, vol.17, no.7, pp.1292-1304, Sept.
2009. [Link]
- [9]Wooil Kim and J.H.L. Hansen, "Feature Compensation in the Cepstral Domain Employing Model Combination," Speech
Communication, vol.51, no.2, pp.83-96, Feb. 2009. [Link]
- [10]Wooil Kim and J.H.L. Hansen, "Feature Compensation Employing Multiple Environmental Models for Robust In-Vehicle Speech
Recognition," IEICE Trans. Information and Systems, Vol. E91-D, No. 3, pp. 430-438, March 2008 [Link]
- [11]Wooil Kimand H. Ko, "Noise Variance Estimation for Kalman Filtering of Noisy Speech," IEICE Trans. Information and Systems, Vol.
E84-D, No. 1, pp. 155-160, Jan, 2001. [Link]
- [12]Wooil Kim, S. Kang, and H. Ko, "Spectral subtraction based on phonetic dependency and masking effects," IEE Proc.-Vision Image
and Signal Processing, Vol. 147, No. 5 , pp.423-427, Oct. 2000 [Link]
2. International Conference Papers
- [1] Wooil Kim and J. H. L. Hansen, "An Advanced Feature Compensation Method Employing Acoustic Model With Phonetically
Constrained Structure," ICASSP-2013, Vancouver, Canada, May 2013. [Link]
- [2] Wooil Kim and J. H. L. Hansen, "Gaussian Map based Acoustic Model Adaptation Using Untranscribed Data for Speech
Recognition in Severely Adverse Environments,"Interspeech-2012, Portland, Oregon, USA, Sept. 2012. [Link]
- [3] Wooil Kim, and J. H. L. Hansen, "Feature Compensation employing Online GMM Adaptation for Speech Recognition in Unknown
Severely Adverse Environments,"ICASSP-2012, pp. 4121-4124, Kyoto, Japan, March 2012. [Link]
- [4] Wooil Kim and J. H. L. Hansen, "Feature Compensation for Speech Recognition in Severely Adverse Environments due to
Background Noise and Channel Distortion,"Interspeech-2011, pp. 1653-1656, Florence, Italy, Aug. 2011. [Link]
- [5] A. Taufique, K. Vijayasankar, Wooil Kim, J. H. L. Hansen, M. Tacca, and A. Fumagalli, "Phone Impact Based Speech Transmission
Technique for Reliable Speech Recognition in Poor Wireless Network Conditions," Interspeech-2011, pp. 2529-2532, Florence, Italy,
Aug. 2011. [Link]
- [6] J.-W. Suh, Yun Lei, Wooil Kim, and J. H. L. Hansen, "Effective Background Data Selection in SVM Speaker Recognition for Unseen
Test Environment: More is Not Always Better," ICASSP-2011, pp. 5304-5307, Prague, Czech Republic, May 2011. [Link]
- [7] Wooil Kim, J.-W. Suh, and J. H. L. Hansen, "An Effective Feature Compensation Scheme Tightly Matched with Speech Recognizer
Employing SVM-based GMM Generation," Interspeech-2010, pp. 2078-2081, Makuhari, Japan, Sept. 2010. [Link]
- [8] Wooil Kim and J. H. L. Hansen, "Angry Emotion Detection from Real-Life Conversational Speech by Leveraging Content Structure,"
ICASSP-2010, pp. 5166-5169, Dallas, U.S.A., March 2010 [Link]
- [9] Wooil Kim and J. H. L. Hansen, "Mask Estimation Employing Posterior-Based Representative Mean for Missing-Feature Speech
Recognition with Time-Varying Background Noise," IEEE ASRU-2009, pp. 194-198, Merano, Italy, Dec. 2009. [Link]
- [10] Wooil Kim and J. H. L. Hansen, "Variational Model Composition for Robust Speech Recognition with Time-Varying Background
Noise," Interspeech-2009, pp. 2399-2402, Brighton, UK, Sept. 2009. [Link]
- [11] Wooil Kim and J. H. L. Hansen, "Robust Angry Speech Detection Employing TEO-Based Discriminative Classifier Combination,"
Interspeech-2009, pp. 2019-2022, Brighton, UK, Sept. 2009. [Link]
- [12] Wooil Kim and J. H. L. Hansen, "Missing-Feature Method for Speaker Recognition in Band-Restricted Conditions," Interspeech-
2008, pp.1909-1912, Brisbane, Australia, Sept. 2008. [Link]
- [13] J.H.L. Hansen, Wooil Kim, and P. Angkititrakul, "Advances in Human-Machine Systems for In-Vehicle Environments," IEEE HSCMA-
2008: Hands-free Speech Communication and Microphone Arrays, pp. 128-131, Trento, Italy, May 2008. [Link]
- [14] Wooil Kim and J. H. L. Hansen, "Advances in Spoken Document Retrieval for the U. S. Collaborative Digitization Program," IEEE
ASRU-2007, pp.687-692, Kyoto, Japan, Dec. 2007. [Link]
- [15] Wooil Kim and J. H. L. Hansen, "Advances in SpeechFind: Transcript Reliability Estimation Employing Confidence Measure based
on Discriminative Sub-word Model for SDR," Interspeech-2007, pp.2409-2412, Antwerp, Belgium, Aug. 2007. [Link]
- [16] Wooil Kim M. Akbacak and J. H. L. Hansen, "Advances in SpeechFind: CRSS-UTD Spoken Document Retrieval System," ACM SIGIR
2007 Workshop on Searching Spontaneous Conversational Speech, pp.23-28, Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 2007. [Link]
- [17] Wooil Kim and J. H. L. Hansen, "Missing-Feature Reconstruction for Band-Limited Speech Recognition in Spoken Document
Retrieval," Interspeech-2006, pp.2306-2309, Pittsburgh, U.S.A., Sep. 2006. [Link]
- [18] Wooil Kim and R. M. Stern, "Band-Independent Mask Estimation for Missing-Feature Reconstruction in the Presence of Unknown
Background Noise," ICASSP-2006, pp.305-308, Toulouse, France, May 2006. [Link]
- [19] Wooil Kim R. M. Stern and H. Ko, "Environment-Independent Mask Estimation for Missing-Feature Reconstruction," Interspeech-
2005, pp.2637-2640, Lisbon, Portugal, Sep. 2005 [Link]
- [20] Wooil Kim O. Kwon and H. Ko, "PCMM-based Feature Compensation Schemes Using Model Interpolation and Mixture Sharing,"
ICASSP-2004, pp.989-992, Montreal, Canada, May 2004. [Link]
- [21] Wooil Kim S. Ahn and H. Ko, "Feature Compensation Scheme Based on Parallel Combined Mixture Model," Eurospeech-2003, pp.
677-680, Geneva, Switherland, Sep. 2003. [Link]
- [22] Wooil Kimand H. Ko, "Improved Acoustic Modeling Based on Selective Data-Driven PMC," ICASSP-2002, Student Forum, Orlando,
U.S.A., May 2002. [Link]
- [23] Wooil Kim,Wooil Kim, T. Kim, S. Ahn and H. Ko, "Model Based Stress Decision Method," Eurospeech-2001, Vol. 1, pp.107-110, Alborg,
Denmark, Sep. 2001 [Link]
3. Domestic Journal Papers
- [1] 지승은,김우일, "음성 특성 지표를 이용한 음성 인식 성능 예측, Speech Recognition Accuracy Prediction Using Speech Quality
Measure," 한국정보통신학회논문지(J. Korea Inst. Inf. Commun. Eng.), vol. 20. no. 3, pp. 471-476, Mar. 2016 [Link]
- [2] 지승은,김우일, "음성 인식용 데이터베이스 검증 시스템을 위한 새로운 음성
인>식 성능 지표, A New Speech Quality Measure for Speech
Database Verification System," 한국정보통신
논문지(J. Korea Inst. Inf. Commun. Eng.), vol. 20. no. 3, pp. 464-470, Mar.
2016. [Link]
- [3] 지승은, 조준영, 이충근, 오시원,김우일, "피보호자 모니터링 시스템을 위한
환>경음 기반 상황 인식, Context Recognition Using
Environmental Sound for Client Monitoring System," 한>국정보통신학회논문지(J. Korea Inst. Inf. Commun. Eng.), vol. 19. no. 2, pp.
343-450, Feb. 2015. [Link]
4. Book Chapters
- [1] Wooil Kim and J. H. L. Hansen, "SpeechFind: Advances in Rich Content Based Spoken Document Retrieval," Chapter 17 of
Handbook of Research on Digital Libraries: Design, Development, and Impact, pp.173-187, IGI Global, Jan. 2009. [Link]
- [2] Wooil Kim and J. H. L. Hansen, "Feature Compensation Employing Model Combination for Robust Speech Recognition in In-
Vehicle Environment,"Chapter 19 of In-Vehicle Corpus and Signal Processing for Driver Behavior, pp.233-243, Springer,
2009. [Link]
- [3] J. H. L. Hansen, P. Angkititrakul, and Wooil Kim, "Advances in Human-Machine Systems for In-Vehicle Environments: Noise and
Cognitive Stress/Distraction," Chapter 14 of Recent Advances in Robust Speech Recognition Technology, pp.197-210, Bentham
Science Publishers, 2011 (DOI:10.2174/97816080517241110101). [Link]
- [4] J. H. L. Hansen, A. Sangwan, and Wooil Kim, "Speech Under Stress and Lombard Effect: Impact and Solutions for Forensic Speaker
Recognition,"Chapter 5 of Forensic Speaker Recognition, pp.103-124, Springer, Oct. 2011. [Link]
- [5] Wooil Kim and J. H. L. Hansen, "Feature Compensation Employing Variational Model Composition for Robust Speech Recognition
in In-Vehicle Environment," Chapter 11 of Digital Signal Processing for In-Vehicle Systems and Safety, pp.175-186, Springer, Nov.
2011. [Link]